Lead Generation: Seven Strategies to Elevate the Grind

lead generation

Lead generation. Unless you are one of the maniacal few this activity can be viewed as tedious, repetitive, mundane, and draining. And this is on a good day. Multiple reaches are made just to schedule a conversation, which may not even happen. And even if it does happen it may or may not lead to a sale. Emails, texts, LinkedIn messages, voicemails, tweets. And sometimes all you hear back is the Genesis chorus, “No reply at all” running over and over in your mind.

lead generation no reply at all

Whether you’re establishing your business or taking it to the next level, chances are it will involve lead generation. How do you raise your level of effectiveness in “the grind”?

Higher Level Lead Generation

lead generation the grind
  1. Check your stance. A stance is a position, a viewpoint, a way of processing. If your position is that lead generation is a “grind”, this may not be the most powerful place to stand. What you are really doing is generating high level conversations with people who care about solutions that really matter. Thanks to my buddy Blair Enfield for this contribution.
  2. Reconnect with your Higher Purpose. Why do you do what you do? Why did you get into the industry in the first place? How are you serving the greatest good? Connect with your higher purpose prior to and during lead generation to energize and elevate your efforts.
  3. Set performance standards. These are bottom line, non-negotiable commitments that you complete no matter what. They are ideally MORE than what you are currently doing, MANAGEABLE, and MEDIUM-TERM.
  4. Create Structure. Once you clarify your lead generation standard, structure it. This means you consciously and consistently create an environment favorable for the completion of it. Know in advance when, where, and for how long it will take place. Conditions can be constantly changing (they may be ideal, less than ideal, or completely chaotic). Ideal structures account for these potentialities.
  5. Adjust your FORM. FORM stands for Focused, Optimal, Repetitive Motion. It is not enough just show up. Don’t just count the reps, make the reps count. Execute your lead generation thoughtfully, thoroughly, and enthusiastically. Think of creative, specific relevant ways to reach out. If your standard is 20 reaches today, think of it as one reach twenty times.
  6. Learn from “failure.” Every no brings you closer to a yes. Each rejection is an opportunity to grow your resolve. Your business grows as you grow.
  7. Don’t be afraid to Hit the PAUSE Button (video below)

Want to go deeper with any of the above? Each is linked to an individual article.

Yes, lead generation can be a grind. But you can raise the grind to a higher level.

As always, I welcome your feedback.

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