Performance Standards for Entrepreneurs and Salespeople

Performance Standards with Doug GradyPerformance standards * are critical for consistent productivity and growth. A performance standard is typically a daily, weekly or monthly quantification of a specific activity intended for a specific result. Here are some examples:

  • 20 outbound prospecting phone calls – 4x per week
  • Practice guitar 30 minutes – 4x per week
  • 10 minutes of quiet time daily
  • 30 minutes of personal or professional development – 5x per week
  • No processed sugar – 5x per week

*For the purpose of this article the terms “minimum standards” and “performance standards” are used interchangeably.

To develop sustainable minimum performance standards implement the “3M” system.

The “3M” System for Performance Standards:

  1. MORE than what  you are currently doing. Think about it – you already have performance standards for the important areas of your life, they just may not be clarified. On average, how many times have you exercised per week (at least 20 minutes) over the last 6 weeks? How many outbound prospecting calls? How much personal growth time? The answer is your current 6 week standard. If you want to move the needle in this area, commit to MORE. Or in the case of health and other areas, you may want to commit to LESS (less processed sugar, less social media, less TV, etc.).
  2. MANAGEABLE. There are two aspects of this- quantifiable (what exactly are you committing to?) and doable. One of the advantages of setting and committing a minimum standard is that something always gets done, even in a worst case scenario. Consider incremental shifts you can wholeheartedly commit to. Keep in mind you will often likely exceed these minimums.
  3. MEDIUM TERM. My definition here is 21 to 90 days. Choose your term and fully commit to it. Log both your standards and your results. At the end of the term evaluate your progress, your struggles, your breakthroughs and repeat the process using the same 3M System, adjusting for desired results.

One simple choice can change the course of your life. Choose simply, choose powerfully, choose now.

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