Don’t Let the Weeds take over the Garden of your Mind

The Garden of your MindAre you letting the weeds of fear, doubt and negativity take over the garden of your mind?

On a recent visit to Tennessee to see family my father asked me if I’d like to do a little weeding in the garden. Um, yes, of course. Two hours later it felt like I had barely made a dent. The weeds had taken over the garden.

There were lots of weeds in several varieties. Even to the untrained eye, some were obvious to spot. Others, like the ones with pretty little red flowers, seemed innocent enough from a distance. Far from it. They wrapped themselves around the other garden plants strangling them into submission.

One particularly insidious monster infested the entire area. The roots went deep, some as thick as a a nickel. They had to be dug up with heavy duty tools and ripped out. My father informed me that any chemical treatment strong enough to kill this beast would kill the entire garden. Others were more subtle, but nonetheless destructive.

Weeds compete for:

  • Water
  • Sunlight
  • Space
  • Nutrients

Basically the stuff of life. Given enough time and lack of attention they will destroy your garden.

Think of your mind as a garden. It doesn’t take any effort to grow weeds in our mind. These weeds are any thoughts, feelings and emotions which are undesired or inconsistent with the life you are committed to. There are many varieties. Some take the form of fear, doubt, or negativity. Others creep in from the people we surround ourselves with. They rob us of our power, stifle our creativity and drain our energy. They leave little or no room for your full potential. If left unattended, they can take over.

“I don’t believe you should go to your garden and chant, ‘There’s no weeds, there’s no weeds, there’s no weeds,’ and think that that’s going to solve something. I’m a believer in find the weed and rip it out.” –Tony Robbins

Three Steps to Ripping out the Weeds in your Mind:

  1.  Identify them. What are the weeds in your mind? What does that little voice inside you say when it is less than you know you can be? What are the persistent thoughts, feelings and emotions that compete with you at your best? What habits or tendencies are inconsistent with the life you want to live? Be brutally honest with yourself. Then go a step further, ask someone who knows you well, someone you know and trust, to help you with some of your blind spots.
  2. Develop a plan. You garden didn’t get this way overnight. What will you do to attend to the garden of your mind? Check out Reclaim Your Focus, Reclaim Your Future for a few ideas.
  3. Begin immediately today to rip out those weeds.

Don’t let the weeds take over your garden. You have a choice what you plant, nurture and feed in the garden of your mind. Choose powerfully.

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