Reclaim Your Focus, Reclaim Your Future

reclaim your focusIs it time to reclaim your focus? Never before has there been so much competition for our attention. We are either consciously focusing our minds or allowing someone or something to do it for us. Reclaim your focus. Your future might just depend on it. Here are

7 Ways to Refocus Your Mind

  1. Affirmations That little voice in your head is not always your friend. You may feel plagued with negative self-talk which breeds anxiety and doubt. Affirmations are consciously chosen phrases repeated in your mind or out loud on a regular basis. They should start be:
    • Positive (say what you want, not what you don’t want)
    • Personal (start with “I”)
    • Present-tense (“I earn, I achieve, I am…”
    • Plausible (something your brain can accept)
  2. Goals Through focusing on an empowering vision of your future you will tend to think, feel, and act in a way that is consistent with that future. Set major, realistic goals and focus on them daily.
  3. Physical exercise This is one of the most powerful ways to reclaim your focus. When you are disciplined with your body you become more effective in disciplining your mind. Commit or recommit to physical exercise and watch what happens to your focus. Already exercising? Maybe it’s to step it up a notch or two.
  4. Reading/listening/watching What you put into your mind will affect your focus. Inputting your mind with positive, inspirational, motivational and/or educational material can significantly help to reclaim your focus. Pick up a book, subscribe to a podcast, watch an educational YouTube video or two.
  5. Questions Much of our focus is determined by the questions we consciously or unconsciously ask ourselves. To reclaim your focus, become aware of the questions you are unconsciously asking yourself which may be keeping you stuck, anxious or frustrated. Change the questions you ask yourself and your focus will change. Questions like, “What am I grateful for?”, “What am I excited about right now?”, “How have I grown?”, “What’s great about my life?” Tony Robbins calls these power questions.
  6. Quiet time No phone, no computer, no kids or pets. Just you. This is a great time to focus on your affirmations, your creator, and your vision of the future. Try 10 minutes. Relax, breathe, let go of the chatter in your head.
  7. Journal A journal can be a catch all space for all of the above. You can write your affirmations and goals, track your exercise and what you are learning, and keep a list of empowering questions. You can keep it with you during your quiet time to jot down any insight gained. There are many ways to use a journal. I find one of the most helpful approaches is Julia Cameron’s morning pages – three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing, done first thing in the morning.

40 Days of FOCUS contains many of these elements. For more information click here.

Which of these has been or will be most helpful for you? Please comment and share with your peeps!

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