mindset shift

Four Simple, Significant Shifts to Move the Needle in Business and in Life

For years when my father was asked how he was doing he would always respond with the same words, “I’m living an exciting life!”

We are indeed living in exciting times right now. Whether you are surviving, thriving, or transitioning here are four simple yet significant shifts you can take on right now.

  1. Reclaim your FOCUS. Get unscattered, unsmothered and uncovered and back to you higher SELF. Use the MORE/LESS Method to clarify the results, experiences, characteristics, and emotions your want more and less of. This is the launching pad to…
  2. Make simple CHOICES consistent with your reclaimed focus. What can you do more of and/or less of to create conditions favorable for the experience the life you say you want? Make your choices simple, manageable and medium-term (to be reassessed at the end of the term). One simple choice can change the course of your life.
  3. STRUCTURE your choices. Your structure is simply the environment which your choice lives. How, where, and with whom is each choice optimally implemented? Your structure should be stable, sustainable yet flexible to accommodate the inevitable “good, bad, and ugly” that comes life brings. Think: people, places, models, tools, time of day, etc.
  4. EXECUTE your choices within structure you have created.
The Go BIG! Execution Blueprint

These four simple, significant shifts are the fundamental building blocks for your business and life blueprint. Review, modify and track your MORE/LESS data regularly. Stay the course with your choices for the term you have set. Adjust your structure when necessary. And continue to execute during these exciting times we are living in.

Shoot me a message for your More/Less worksheet.
