Discipline and Dr. Seuss

Do you remember the classic Dr. Seuss book Green Eggs and Ham? Maybe you remember reading it as a child, or maybe you read it to your children.

“I do not like them, Sam-I-am. I do not like green eggs and ham… Not in a box. Not with a fox. Not in a house. Not with a mouse. I would not eat them here or there. I would not eat them anywhere. ”

The character is introduced to something new, in this case green eggs and ham. I think each of us can identify with the initial reaction of skepticism he has toward this interesting dish. This reaction is common anytime we are presented with something new, difficult or out of the norm. But what happens by the end of the book? He relents, has a change of heart, or just decides to try something different and finds that the green eggs and ham aren’t so scary after all.

When you look at your personal disciplines, your choices or commitments, you’re going to have some green eggs and ham moments. What are your green eggs and ham?

  • I do not like exercise
  • I do not like getting up early in the morning
  • I do not like personal development
  • I do not like going to business meetings
  • I do not like studying

There are any number of potential stumbling blocks to reaching your goals. However, if these disciplines or actions are important to the person you’re becoming, the business you’re building, or the lifestyle you are creating then venturing out of your comfort zone to incorporate these activities is necessary. And there is good news! These actions will become easier, more palatable, and more natural with repetition – and you may even begin to like them!

So when you see that green egg on the horizon or on your upcoming schedule, or when that green egg flashes across your mind, crack the egg open and take a bite. Change “I don’t like the gym” to “it’s time to go to the gym.” Don’t make the decision to start studying and then sabotage your efforts by saying “I don’t like to study.” Move away from the excuses and choose to embrace the green eggs and ham and see what develops. It gets easier and more natural the more you make the decision to take a bite of the new dish. So choose simply and choose powerfully.

“I do so like green eggs and ham! Thank you! Thank you, Sam-I-am ”

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